What Your Favorite Vacation Destination Says About You

What Your Favorite Vacation Destination Says About You

I have to admit it disappointed me to see my favorite destinations to travel thus far were not on here. So to amend this list I would like to offer a couple additional places. Check it out homegirls and homeboys.

…Seoul, South Korea: You probably have tried Korean food once or twice and think its pretty legit or have tasted, yes i said tasted the sounds of your favorite K Pop band and want to find out as 2NE1 says if things in Korea are on “Fire.” Maybe you are even interested in Ju Non Gae or Lee Soon Shin, or other Korean historical figures. If not the food, K Pop, history or culture, the cheap liquor and bbq will knock your socks off.

…Tokyo, Japan: You’re in expensive sushi joints and night views of the Tokyo bridge lit up for street racing enthusiast. But because you are ballin’ on a budget you find cheap spots to eat noodles so you can afford the bullet train cross country to hit the beach.

….Manilla, Philippines: Get there fast, then take it slow. Or you like how the beach and concrete meet to provide you and friends with contradiction. Or maybe you are into staying at ladyboy hotels for cheap and dining with locals nightly to watch drag shows from the locals. Whatever your lava, Manilla boasts cheap eats, limited beach action, night spots, and lots of cheap accommodations. Just mind your pockets and belongings.

… Sao Paulo, Brazil: So you thought that semester of Portuguese in college prepared you for your interface with real Brazilians? Maybe it did but in order to party like a rockstar, pray like a Catholic, and eat like a king you gotta be able to roll with the punches of Sao Paulo. You might say Sao Paulo is New York City meets Chicago meets Barcelona. The city is a dangerous mix of street crime, samba clubs, art museums, churches, and let us not forget small cafes. At any rate be ready for anything with this city.

… Redwood Forest, California: So you’ve tried the Great Wall of China, you’ve tried Japan’s Mt. Fuji, possibly you’ve tried Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Next up for you are the gigantic tenured trees in Nor Cal. You probably are a bit of an adventurer if you make this trek seeing that it’s pretty much off the beaten trek of So Cal sun rays and Napa Valley wine tasting.

With all the destinations noted above, where are the best places you have traveled? What do your favorite destinations say about you? Leave it below my friends…

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